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IFA Auto Insurance Review

Types of Auto Insurance 

Auto insurance is required in most states and provides drivers with peace of mind should they have an accident. However, multiple types of coverage are available at various prices. It’s wise to compare the various types of coverage first to decide what you want. Then you can compare car insurance plans that offer your desired degree of coverage. Common types auto insurance of coverage include the following:

  • Liability: This type of insurance covers damage to other people and their vehicles in accidents you cause.
  • Collision: This protects your vehicle in accidents caused by both you and other drivers.
  • Comprehensive: This type of coverage protects your vehicle from theft, animals, fire and additional causes not linked to accidents.
  • Personal Injury: A supplement to medical insurance, this coverage offsets the costs of certain injuries you sustain in a wreck and sometimes replenishes income lost as a result of an auto accident.
  • Uninsured: This covers costs incurred if you are in an accident caused my an uninsured driver.

Comparing Types of Coverage

When comparing types of coverage offered by a variety of plans, there are a few things to bear in mind.

  • Limits: The maximum amount of liability coverage offered
  • Deductibles: The amount of money you must pay prior to receiving collision and comprehensive benefits 
  • Penalties: Fines and rate increases associated with the number of claims you make per a specified time period

Additional Considerations

There are many other factors that will determine the type of coverage for which you’re eligible and the cost of each plan for you. Sometimes these factors, such as having passed driver safety courses, may reduce your overall costs or qualify you for car insurance discounts. Other factors, such as a history of reckless driving, will increase your costs. Some factors to consider follow:

  • Your driving history
  • Your age
  • Your family’s structure
  • The distance between your home and work
  • The type of vehicle you drive

Receiving Your Quotes Online

Receiving quotes online is a simple process. You click through a virtual series of forms and provide information about your identity, your car, your driving history, your family,your budget and the type of coverage you need. Then you click a button to perform a search, and soon you’ll see a list of multiple policies. Some things to remember when viewing your search results follow.

  • The same company may have different plans listed.
  • Be sure to pay attention to the details of what each plan covers as well as the price of each plan.
  • You’re under no obligation to purchase a plan in your list. 
  • You can perform the search again and make adjustments to your query form as the system allows.

Benefits of Comparing Quotes Online

Alternatives to comparing quotes online are having an agent search for quotes or investigating various auto insurance policies on your own. There are several ways in which using an online service helps you compare quotes more effectively and choose the best plan for your auto insurance needs. These include the following:

  • There is no pressure to please the agent or to buy immediately. You have plenty of time to consider all the quotes before purchasing a plan.
  • You do not have to spend time doing all the research yourself. The computerized search generates the most relevant results for you.
  • You can make direct comparisons between similar types of coverage. For example, the search results will analyze each plan in the same way instead of over-emphasizing some aspects and under-emphasizing others.
  • You can compare quotes from the comfort of your home at any time of day or night. 

Tips for Comparing Auto Insurance Quotes Generated by an Online Search

When you decide to compare auto insurance quotes online, there are a few steps you can take to make sure that you will have the most rewarding experience possible.

  • Search for and compare quotes at a time of day when you will have few distractions. This way you can focus on the task.
  • Print the results so that you can take notes, highlight key points and organize the results in a way that will help you remember which plans interest you the most.
  • Make a list of questions and call the listed agent for the policy if needed. However, be sure to use the results of your search to empower you. Resist feeling pressured to purchase an auto insurance policy until your comparison is complete.

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